This forum is to be used ONLY for topics regarding BattleGroup42 and Battlefield 1942, the game it is based on. It is not intended for advertising other mods, games or any kind of commercial stuff. All posts and topics not related to the mod or Battlefield 1942 (only the main game and its official expansions) will be deleted without prior notice. We also won’t tolerate any kind of racist, religious or political statements.
Last seen: Dec 24, 2024
Hi 🙂 The next build is almost ready, there's still one thing left to be finished. And i'm sorry for not posting any updates lately.
Thanks 😊 I'll integrate those fixes for the next build
Those fixes will be included in the next build. The current release still has the bugs.
According to the controlpoint settings everything is ok, except this on the Lumbermill controlpoint: "ObjectTemplate.loseControlWhenEnemyClose 0" It s...
I've fixed the "to many statemasks" bug. I had to recode some of the ships and remove a turret here and there, but now the bug is gone. Just like i ex...
Thanks for this important info! The "too many state masks" error is a severe one, which alway causes crashes. I do know why this error pops up, but i ...
KV-1 early fixed Regarding the planes: This is not a bug, but a "problem" with the engine. External, and therefore visible weapons like bombs, rockets...
The track animation speed is an old topic indeed. On some tanks i had already set the value to better match the wheel rotation, because the mismatch w...
flickering textures are a common problem with Bf42, it's mostly caused by overlapping meshes, or statics buried partly into the ground. There's nothin...
Sadly, this model does not represent a proper T-34/40. Please take a look here to check for yourself. I had already planned to integrate the model, bu...
That's strange, according to the damage system infantry should be killed on the spot. I need to investigate this.
Downloaded and applied, thanks 😀
I forgot to mention that the overheat function/bar does not work when any kind of secondary weapon is present besides the machine gun. Actually, the w...
The overheat function DOES NOT WORK on weapons with smoke launchers as their secondary weapon. Never has, never will. It's not a bug. It's an engine p...