This forum is to be used ONLY for topics regarding BattleGroup42 and Battlefield 1942, the game it is based on. It is not intended for advertising other mods, games or any kind of commercial stuff. All posts and topics not related to the mod or Battlefield 1942 (only the main game and its official expansions) will be deleted without prior notice. We also won’t tolerate any kind of racist, religious or political statements.

Last seen: Sep 14, 2023
@Sarge31FR This Website was for a couple of time not available, thank you to solve the problems. Is the Final Release available f...
I am really happy about your work, that was the spirit for a news a couple of weeks ago, see here:It makes me so happy to see a little life in develop...
I just want to say thank you Gunsmoke for this great server it’s set up like the good old MOB one in the past. Otto, 2.pzb, bsk1885, surfat, sarge and...
Great it’s amazing work, thank you, hope to meet you good old developers and players on the server? Gunsmoke spend a really good Server it remember th...
- Auf der Map "Hannut Steel" ist mir auf Server aufgefallen, dass wenn man den neuen "Renault AKG" LKW benutzt die Map auf einmal grauenvoll Lagt. - ...
Geil das ihr am Ball bleibt und die Spieler und News schreiber/verteiler nicht hängen lasst! Ich freue mich so sehr, dass der Battlegroup42 RC4 Releas...