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FRC4 bug report thr...
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FRC4 bug report thread

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Plane bombs, such as that of Stuka's, do a great deal of damage on vehicles and stationary weapons over a wide area, but area of damage against infantry seems much smaller. It is possible for you to get bombed by a Stuka but is unscathed while a bunch of vehicles near you go from 100% to negative %.


Breda Mod. 42 anti-grenade only gives off a bullet impact effect when thrown with no explosions observed. Its firepower seems non-existent too; perhaps near the firepower of an anti-tank rifle at most.


Market Garden co-op
Achilles and Sherman Firefly already spawn on the airfield when it's neutral.

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4108-uman_pocket: B-4 howitzer rolls in the air, falls on the top and explodes. FIXED

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by Laufer

Coder-in-Chief Admin
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Posted by: Laufer

4108-uman_pocket: B-4 howitzer rolls in the air, falls on the top and explodes. FIXED

Downloaded and applied, thanks 😀 

Coder-in-Chief Admin
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Posted by: Qbicle

Plane bombs, such as that of Stuka's, do a great deal of damage on vehicles and stationary weapons over a wide area, but area of damage against infantry seems much smaller. It is possible for you to get bombed by a Stuka but is unscathed while a bunch of vehicles near you go from 100% to negative %.

That's strange, according to the damage system infantry should be killed on the spot. I need to investigate this.

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"....a soldier's d*ck!" it's a metalic "d*ck" damn it!  😖  😖 

by the way the 4005-Montherme map doesn't have its own texture?  😕  😕 

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Minor bug on Chinese soldier's helmet - FIXED:

Downloaded and applied

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Minor bug for Russian helmet - FIXED:

Downloaded and applied

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Small bug on M3 Stuart MG's cockpit

already FIXED - all M3 variants got a different cockpit

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-> 4307-Prokhorovka (Conquest/Coop)
These wooden fence were floating at this side of C6

-> 4501-Operation Matador (Conquest/Coop)
On map briefing displayed on Objectives, the letter "O" on Dido class cruiser is capitalized. Here's the fixed map briefing:

Download link: Google Drive


-> KV-8, KV-85 and SU-152's texture as pointed in the crosshair is missing or somewhat had a black texture on both sides.

-> Semovente da 75/18's cannon has no recoil while firing (e.g. 4212-Cat and mouse).

Discord ID: al13326

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^ -> 4501-Operation Matador (Conquest)*

*=Conquest only

Discord ID: al13326

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There's one very strange bug on map 4301-tridentina_avanti, when Italian tank or anything kills me on artillery gun zis-3, if it explodes, my game crashes to desktop, sometimes it happens, sometimes not, even if I want to destroy zis-3 by myself. Does this happen to someone else also? Only when you want to destroy ZIS-3, like using it and Italian StugIII fires at you? 


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- Auf der Map "Hannut Steel" ist mir auf Server aufgefallen, dass wenn man den neuen "Renault AKG" LKW benutzt die Map auf einmal grauenvoll Lagt.

- Die neue Map "Raid of Drvar" lief beim "Internetspiel" COOP wunderbar

- Ist es möglich den [MOB] Battlegroup42 RC4 Server zusätzlich noch mit den COOP Maps laufen zu lassen?

This post was modified 6 years ago by buschhans

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Sherman II - cockpit camera for inside machine gunner, same problem like for Stuart tanks - FIXED:

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Stationary weapon/s

-> The Canon de 155mm GPF was slightly off-scale and it looks like more of a 105mm than a 155mm field gun, also the left leg of a soldier manning it was protruding the GPF's left trail assembly. It should move the soldier's position further back due to wider traverse and longer recoil of GPFs.

Here's the screenshot from 4005-hannut_steel......and here's the pictures of GPFs to scale. Credits to the owner who uploaded the photos (though I think both are in public domain):
1. US army's 5th FA at Camp Bragg, North Carolina in training; 1920s.

2. Unknown Philippine army or Philippine scout's FA regiment while on training maneuvers just a few months before the commencement of hostilities in the Philippines in 1941.


-> Valentine IX was unable to repair by a near friendly vehicle for example T-20 Komsomolets (e.g. 4307-prokhorovka), same applies to Panzer I Ausf. B and ZIS-5 of Chinese nationalist in China theatres (e.g. 3806-after the flood).

Discord ID: al13326

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I have question regarding some maps from 1944 because I am not sure is that mistake in game. British army vs German maps for example. British tanks, Willy jeeps etc are in the U.S. Army colors. Is it normal and historical to be like that, or it should be changed to British roundels? 

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