This forum is to be used ONLY for topics regarding BattleGroup42 and Battlefield 1942, the game it is based on. It is not intended for advertising other mods, games or any kind of commercial stuff. All posts and topics not related to the mod or Battlefield 1942 (only the main game and its official expansions) will be deleted without prior notice. We also won’t tolerate any kind of racist, religious or political statements.

Last seen: Oct 16, 2022
4302-heavy_water bug. Tree's texture is missing:
All you need is to install everything in next order:Battlefield 1942 game Patch 1.6 Patch 1.61 And normally this mod. Road to Rome and Secret Weapons...
P.S. Cap's badge texture fix:
New texture for Hungarian engineer's cap:
I think that Hungarian voices are too low, so I took liberty to increase the volume. I hope you will find it better than before:
Is there possibility to also fix and rework map "Valley of death", cause it has terrible big FPS drops and it's not possible playing it normally like ...
And I also edited buttons on German Desert uniform, I hope you'll also add it for Final Release: Also there's a bug on map Dunkirk. I put the scree...
I am not sure should I report that "bug" in here, but Dutch helmets and German cap models are too small for heads and it looks kinda stupid, so I was ...
Oh, great! I didn't read it! Sorry! 😀 I also didn't ask this. Is it only me playing for a short while, or bots on that map don't move much? P.S. I h...
On 4405-raid_on_drvar map, historically wrong is flag of Kingdom of Yugoslavia and kits are of Royal Yugoslav Army from 1941, instead of Yugoslav comm...