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More bots in campai...
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More bots in campaign?

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I have only tested my changes in COOP so far. So I guess what you have to do is to go to the create game menu, pick coop and then adjust the number of bots to your liking considering you have already changed the AiDefault. I actually found it is not needed to change the number of bots in the maps. I first did a test with BG42' hell highway map on which I changed the number of bots to 128, but then when launching other maps without having altered any value on them I could also get 128 bots on them.

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One map change should work for all?  Excellent! 

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No I mean just changing the Aidefault values should work for all. I have now tested the same method for bf1918, and is working aswell.

This post was modified 5 years ago by the new username

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  Glad to hear it is working on BF1918!  I had an epic BG42 battle on the Waldhambach map last night.  250 bots was too crowded in the town but 120 was perfect!  Probably the most fun I have had in all my BF42 gaming since I got it when it came out.  Also ran Prokhovorka with 250 bots and no lag.  Thanks so much for this solution!  I can't wait to see the 1918 trenches with 250 guys!

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Nothing here, fellas. Did extract, changed to 128, packed all good like the tutorial, but whenever I try to change the value on the Coop in game screen, it changes back to 64. Also, the number of bots remains the same (64) while playing. 

I sincerely don't have a clue of what am I missing. I even tried changing the game.rfa from the og bf1942 folder (not bg42), but nothing seems to have changed as well. 


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Posts: 2

Nevermind! Managed to work with the .exe and menu_001.rfa files from the download link in the first page!

(after doing the packing and unpacking to BG42 game.rfa)

Work like charm now. 

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