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FRC4 bug report thr...
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FRC4 bug report thread

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Posted by: Laufer

I have question regarding some maps from 1944 because I am not sure is that mistake in game. British army vs German maps for example. British tanks, Willy jeeps etc are in the U.S. Army colors. Is it normal and historical to be like that, or it should be changed to British roundels? 

P.S. Small correction. Tanks are in US colors on map Operation U-Go with Japanese. 

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-> Stalingrad (Conquest/Coop) and Stalingrad no tanks (Conquest/Coop)
This part of E4 ground texture flickers when you hover the mouse in every direction.



-> Despite having a gunsight reticle on Type 95 Ha-Go's rear turret MG, there's still a crosshair visible on it (e.g. Guadalcanal).

-> Hilfskreuzer's railings on both bow and aft section as well as posts on promenade deck are not positioned correctly as shown on pics from this link (e.g. 4308-Azov clashes): Imgur

-> Maus' track guide teeth was moving in the opposite direction both in forward and reverse (e.g. 4504-Mouse roars).

Discord ID: al13326

Coder-in-Chief Admin
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Posted by: al13326


-> Stalingrad (Conquest/Coop) and Stalingrad no tanks (Conquest/Coop)
This part of E4 ground texture flickers when you hover the mouse in every direction.



-> Despite having a gunsight reticle on Type 95 Ha-Go's rear turret MG, there's still a crosshair visible on it (e.g. Guadalcanal).

-> Hilfskreuzer's railings on both bow and aft section as well as posts on promenade deck are not positioned correctly as shown on pics from this link (e.g. 4308-Azov clashes): Imgur

-> Maus' track guide teeth was moving in the opposite direction both in forward and reverse (e.g. 4504-Mouse roars).

  • flickering textures are a common problem with Bf42, it's mostly caused by overlapping meshes, or statics buried partly into the ground. There's nothing we can do about that.
  • Ha-Go fixed

al13326 reacted
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-> Correct me if i'm wrong, but i've noticed that early Tiger tank's suspension system were slightly offset compared to TigerLate:

-> Missing texture (except the instrument panel) inside Bloch MB.152's cockpit, this was from 1.8 Open BETA's 4010-Attack on Greece...

...And this is from FRC4's 4205-Operation Ironclad (IIRC, i've seen it in FRC1 onwards):

Discord ID: al13326

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I've noticed on Hellendorn (yeh who cares) the trees are bugged!

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"....(yeh who cares)...." battlegroup42  😮  😮 

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Posted by: mistamontiel

...the trees are bugged!

It was already fixed as per recent post.  😉 


-> 4504-Yontan airfield
There's a typo error on "Objectives" dialog box, labeled as destroid instead of destroyed.


-> The 25-pdr gun on SextonCoop does not have a crosshair (e.g. 4503-Autobahn).

-> The rim of SU-152's idler wheel are overlapping at the front tracks thus making it to be visible (e.g. 4307-Prokhorovka).


Discord ID: al13326

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-> In addition with my last post regarding KV tanks, the barrel of DT machine gun should be re-textured though. Also, I noticed that the track sound was missing in KV-1Early (e.g. 4106-Battle of Brody).

-> Several fixed-wing aircraft's disposable stores like bombs and torpedoes, are still visible despite it is now empty as indicated on HUD. Here's the list of affected aircraft that showing this behavior (IIRC it was first reported by @Qbicle from the old forum's FRC1 bug report thread with asterisk, still appears in FRC4):
AichiValD3A1 (bomb)*
AichiValD3A2 (bomb)*
P-40E (bomb)*
P-40TomahawkB (bomb)*
Devastator (torpedo)*
Swordfish (torpedo)
FW190A-3 (bomb)*
Fokker (bomb)*
Gladiator (bomb)*
Ju87 (bomb)*
B-26TB (torpedo)
Bf109_E-3B (bomb)*
Bf109_F-4B (bomb)*
B5N2-Kate (torpedo)*

Discord ID: al13326

Coder-in-Chief Admin
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KV-1 early fixed

Regarding the planes: This is not a bug, but a "problem" with the engine. External, and therefore visible weapons like bombs, rockets and torpedoes will only disappear, when the amount of "firearms" is equal to to the "magsize" and "numofmag".

Here's an example:

  • The FW-190 A3 has ONE external bomb = ONE firearm
  • The "magsize" is therefore 1 = ONE firearm
  • the "numofmag" is THREE, which means that you can drop three bombs in total (with reloads in between)
  • once the third "mag" is used, you'll no longer have a bomb left, but the engine will have spawned another external bomb, which is ONLY visually present. This is the "visibleDummyProjectileTemplate"

This applies to all planes that are coded like this. Only planes like the SBD will work. It has 3 firearms, a "magsize" of 3 and "numofmag" of 3. So once you've dropped 3 bombs times 3, all bombs are gone, and no visualdummy will be spawned.

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the Focke Wulf Fw 190A3 shows one bomb and has three bombs?! (that is somehow ridiculous!) 😠 😠 

it reminds of some submarines that had one torpedo tube and three torpedo reloads 🤨 🤨 

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-> 4406-Defense of Hengyang (Conquest/Coop)
Incorrect texture of 15 cm sFH 18 as it load a European late-war camo. Here's the fix:

Download link: Google Drive


-> BV138, BV138SPoint and BV138SPointWolf's pilot seat had crosshair despite the lack of machine gun to be fired by the player (e.g. 4410-Moonsund).

I'm not sure if this is engine-related problem, but I noticed that the spawn menu's scout-class selection in RC1 till present labeled as "Sniper". In 1.8 Open BETA, the rifleman-class also affect this problem when it was in 6th position.

I checked each ObjectTemplate.setKitName like "Aufklaerer" in German and "Division Sniper" in American in each soldier's scout kit, but it does not appear properly and instead labeled as "Sniper".

Discord ID: al13326

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Thank ye kindly!

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WOW! ATF has updated so frag on!.. hm the rotation has a count of 167 maps interesting? The levels directory says 139

Also I would love to know what is the naval the ships-only map again?

First pic I forget the map. That truck turret can rotate complete 360s and shoot right through

Second pic is 4203-battle_of_java , too bad ramp cannot do jumps you clip straight through with the harley and I don't know the faction the team sorry but F7F3 "Go for the enemy flag" is stock US American shout

This post was modified 6 years ago 3 times by mistamontiel

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-> Missing nose landing gear doors of P-39 Airacobra, although it was included in standardmesh both P39_GearflapfrontLeft/Right (e.g. 4307-Prokhorovka).

Discord ID: al13326

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mistake in the fighter selection class

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