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Bug Report Battlegr...
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Bug Report Battlegroup Final

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Clients cant connect to Final servers

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->4208-operation_herkules (Co-Op)
The lines of code in Coop.con was messed up which leads to CTD when loading the map. Here's the fix: Google Drive

Discord ID: al13326

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Hi al13326, thanks for getting back to me but I dont see a Coop.con on any of my servers. The other 19 Battlefield 1942 servers with mods work ok for client connections. The new Final server doesn't let any clients connect for any maps. The local game loads to the end and then the game does CTD. I have a friend's server that does the same thing. They think they fixed it but all they did was copy over rc4p1 files and make the final server into an rc4p1final server, of which I run 3 already. Hopefully the developer can chime in and add some light to this subject.

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No offense but I think you misunderstood my post, as this is my way to report bug/s for the mod ever since I became a member of BG42 forum. 😛 

As for your concern, I have no idea of how to solve it as I do not have any experience of running a dedicated server.

Hopefully both @Sarge31FR and @SargeSurfat will respond as they haven't active in the forum for years... 😕 

Discord ID: al13326

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Posted by: @al13326


->4208-operation_herkules (Co-Op)
The lines of code in Coop.con was messed up which leads to CTD when loading the map. Here's the fix: Google Drive

I have to delete the previous file in that link as I have fixed the poster's orientation near the bench seat at Valetta CP.

Here's the updated link: Google Drive


Discord ID: al13326

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@al13326 Yes, I thought you were answering me, my bad.
