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Omaha Beach

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Hello BG42 developers.

How difficult would it be to port the BG42 version of Omaha Beach to run on BF42 Vanilla?

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Thats not really difficult if you know what youre doing. Unpack the map, change all corresponding settings in the con-files accordingly and change the vehicles in the object templates.

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Hello,and you could not add the Civil War in Spain(1936-1939),the invasion of Poland(1939),Denmark(1940),Battle for Moscow,Sevastopol,Leningrad,Prague,Vienna

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Sorry,please,if I wrote all this is not here)

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Sorry, but BG42 development is coming to an end now. The game is far beyond its lifetime, graphically and technically stone-aged and even if there would be a crowd of players out there (which is not) we would not have the manpower at all to add all this (though I would like to add the Spanish Civil war as well). And there is another reason: The mod tends to extend the capability of the Battlefield42 engine to an end. Adding such an amount of content would make it unstable or simply unplayable.

This post was modified 5 years ago by SargeSurfat

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:O oh no

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:O oh no
