This forum is to be used ONLY for topics regarding BattleGroup42 and Battlefield 1942, the game it is based on. It is not intended for advertising other mods, games or any kind of commercial stuff. All posts and topics not related to the mod or Battlefield 1942 (only the main game and its official expansions) will be deleted without prior notice. We also won’t tolerate any kind of racist, religious or political statements.

install requirments
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install requirments

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Joined: 6 years ago
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i have played battlegroup in the past but had had to replace a my computer , what are the steps and the required add-ons and updates do i need , i just downloaded everything 

battlefield 1942

road to rome and secret weapons but i am getting error like

c:\program files (x86)|ea games|battlefield1942|mods|bg42|archives|bf1942|levels|4006-dunkirk_perimeter.rfa

i get this multiple times while installing


thank you
