This forum is to be used ONLY for topics regarding BattleGroup42 and Battlefield 1942, the game it is based on. It is not intended for advertising other mods, games or any kind of commercial stuff. All posts and topics not related to the mod or Battlefield 1942 (only the main game and its official expansions) will be deleted without prior notice. We also won’t tolerate any kind of racist, religious or political statements.

Last seen: Apr 29, 2024
Excuse the horrendous mess of links I've managed to make in this thread by editing it. But OneDrive wouldn't let me show the links correctly. This sho...
Thanks Al for clearing that up! Yes, indeed I think the older texture looks better. But of course I can imagine you get tons of different opinions in ...
Although as said, this is how I see it. I could be completely wrong. I believe you dev's knows best 🙂